Select cases
- Counsel to the European Space Agency in various contentious and non-contentious matters, notably in disputes relating to the Agency’s immunities and public procurement in matters of space technology.
- Counsel to various intergovernmental organizations on the law of international civil service
- Counsel to the Western European Union and its former Member States on the winding up of the organization and the transfer of residual duties
Select conferences and publications
- “International Law Limits to the Security Council”, in United Nations Sanctions and International Law, V. Gowlland-Debbas, ed., Kluwer, 2001, 71-82
- “Le juge belge face aux actes des organisations internationales”, in A. Lagerwall (ed.), Les juges belges face aux actes adoptés par les Etats étrangers et les organisations internationales – quel contrôle au regard du droit international ?, Brussels, Larcier, 2017, 13-51
- Article 25”, in ONU – La Charte (The Charter of the United Nations), J.P. Cot, A. Pellet and M. Forteau, eds., 3rd ed., Paris, Economica, 2004, p. 909-918 (with Eric Suy)
- “The Implementation and Enforcement of Security Council Sanctions under Chapter VII of the Charter: Belgium”, in National Implementation of United Nations Sanctions – A Comparative Study, V. Gowlland-Debbas, ed., Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff, 2004, 103-122 (with Eric Suy)
- “Protest Against Security Council Decisions”, in International Law: Theory and Practice – Essays in Honour of Eric Suy, K. Wellens, ed., The Hague/Boston/London, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1998, 277-285