Select cases
- Counsel in the appeal proceedings in Tavares a.o. v. Belgian State: treatment of children of mixed race by the former Belgian colonial power. Temporal and substantive scope of application of crimes against humanity
- Counsel to Total SA in Aung Maw Zin v. Total and Thierry Desmarest before the Brussels Chamber of Indictments, the Belgian Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court: universal jurisdiction issues regarding alleged complicity with international crimes in Myanmar
- Counsel before the UN Sanctions Committee and the UN Panel of Experts regarding sanctions related to the use of conflict diamonds during the Angolan civil war in the late 1990s and early 2000s
Select conferences and publications
- “L’avenir des Principes directeurs à l’intention des entreprises multinationales – l’accès effectif aux PCN, la visibilité et le devoir d’informer”, in: Nicola Bonucci & Catherine Kessedjian, eds., 40 Ans des Lignes directrices de l’OCDE pour les entreprises multinationales / 40 Years of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, Paris, Pedone, 2018, 197-206
- “L’exceptionnalisme américain en matière de droits de l’homme face au droit international : l’art du possible”, in : L. Hennebel (éd.), Exceptionnalisme américain et droits de l’homme, Paris, Dalloz, 2009, 237-253
- “Challenges to Immunities on the Basis of the Right to a Fair Trial”, in : International Administrative Tribunals in a Changing World, proceedings of the UNAT conference of 9 November 2007, Esperia, 2008 (with Alexandra Weerts)
- “Les immunités des organisations internationales face à l’article 6 de la Convention européenne des Droits de l’Homme…”, Journal du Droit international, 1/2007, 3-26 (with Alexandra Weerts)