Select cases
- President of the Arbitral Tribunal in Venezuela Holdings, B.V. and others v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (resubmission)
- Member of the ICSID ad hoc Committee in the second annulment proceedings in ICSID arbitration case Víctor Pey Casado and President Allende Foundation v. Chile
- Counsel to intervening parties in proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning the scope of application of the trade and fisheries agreements between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco
- Counsel in several investor-State arbitration proceedings, including Ping A Life Insurance Company, Limited and Ping An Insurance (Group) Company, Limited v. Belgium
Select conferences and publications
- “Fair and Equitable Treatment”, in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, revised edition, 2022, 29 p.
- “Vers une réciprocité totale en règlement des différends investisseurs-Etats” (“towards total reciprocity in investor-state dispute settlement”), in : Chloé Brière a.o., eds., La coopération transatlantique au-delà du CETA, Brussels, PUB, 2022, 155-168
- “The Drafting of Awards in Investor-State Arbitration”, in: Fabrizio Marella and Nicola Soldati, eds., Liber amicorum Giorgio Bernini, Giuffrè, 2021, 271-293
- “Note on the Costs and Financing of an Advisory Centre on International Investment Law”, report of an IAI/ILI working group co-chaired by Nicolas Angelet and Karl Sauvant, with Ndanga Kamau, Benjamin Remy, Carlos José Valderrama and Don Wallace, July 2020, published on the UNCITRAL website and in TDM 5 (2022)
- “Alleviating the Disruptive Nature of Investment Arbitration : Some Remarks on Restitution and Post-Award ADR”, in Jean Kalicky and Anna Joubin-Bret, eds., Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: In Search of A Roadmap, TDM (1) 2014
- “Foreign Investment”, in: Oxford Bibliographies, Oxford University Press, 2014 (with Mathilde Rousseau)