Select cases
- President of the Arbitral Tribunal in ICSID arbitration case Venezuela Holdings, B.V. and others v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (resubmission)
- Member of the ICSID ad hoc Committee in the second annulment proceedings in ICSID arbitration case Víctor Pey Casado and President Allende Foundation v. Chile
- Counsel in several investor-state arbitration proceedings, notably counsel to the Kingdom of Belgium in ICSID Case No. ARB/12/29, Ping An Life Insurance Company, Limited and Ping An Insurance (Group) Company, Limited v. Belgium (2012-2015)
- President of the arbitral tribunal in ICSID case Fernando Paiz Andrade and Anabella Schloesser de León de Paiz v. Republic of Honduras
Select conferences and publications
- Member of the International Bar Association Task Force for the revision of the 2014 IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest (2023)
- Member of the ICC Task Force on Addressing Issues of Corruption in International Arbitration (since 2019)
- Expert for the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie on the organization of a seminar for francophone countries on mediation in investor-state dispute settlement, 17 March 2023
- “Vers une réciprocité totale en règlement des différends investisseurs-Etats” (“towards total reciprocity in investor-state dispute settlement”), in : Chloé Brière a.o., eds., La coopération transatlantique au-delà du CETA, Brussels, PUB, 2022, 155-168
- “The Drafting of Investment Arbitration Awards”, Stockholm University, 16 March 2022
- “Note on the Costs and Financing of an Advisory Centre on International Investment Law”, report of an IAI/ILI working group co-chaired by Nicolas Angelet and Karl Sauvant