Select cases
- Expert witness on questions of public international law before the Supreme Court of British Columbia in the case of The Attorney General of Canada on behalf of the United States of America v [Huawei CFO] Wanzhou Meng
- Counsel for the Kingdom of Belgium before the Belgian courts on international legal aspects of UN Security Council measures on the financing of terrorism and their implementation
- Counsel before the UN Sanctions Committee and the UN Panel of Experts regarding sanctions related to the use of conflict diamonds during the Angolan civil war in the late 1990s and early 2000s
Select conferences and publications
- Member of a Panel of Legal Experts on « Extraterritorial Legislations as a Tool to Improve the Accountability of Transnational Corporations for Human Rights Violations » organized under the aegis of the mandate of Professor John Ruggie, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on transnational corporations and human rights, Brussels, 3-4 November 2006
- “The Implementation and Enforcement of Security Council Sanctions under Chapter VII of the Charter: Belgium”, in National Implementation of United Nations Sanctions – A Comparative Study, V. Gowlland-Debbas, ed., Leiden/Boston, Martinus Nijhoff, 2004, 103-122 (with Eric Suy)
- “Criminal Liability for the Violation of United Nations Economic Sanctions”, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, vol. 7/2, 1999, 89-102
- “L’embargo et l’ONU”, in : L’embargo, Brussels, Bruylant, 1996, 45-85
- “La mise en œuvre des mesures coercitives économiques des Nations Unies dans la Communauté européenne”, Revue belge de droit international, 1993, 500-533