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Glynn Denys

Improving Access to Justice for All

By Conference

On 7 and 8 March, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of European Union organised the 7th intersessional meeting of UNCITRAL: United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Working Group III on the reform of investor-state dispute settlement. On 7 March, I had the pleasure to chair the introductory panel on “Improving Access to Justice for All” together with WGIII Rapporteur Natalie Y. Morris-SharmaUNCTAD‘s Vincent M. Beyer, professor Catharine Titi and ClientEarth‘s Amandine Van Den Berghe.

Our panel discussed how efficiency, legal certainty and the preservation of host states’ policy space can contribute to ‘justice’, and how the various measures proposed in WG III, ranging from a standing mechanism over an advisory centre on ISDS, counterclaims, non-disputing party interventions, amicus curiae interventions, to mediation, etc., can improve access to ISDS.

My congratulations and gratitude to Belgium’s Bernard QuintinChristophe PayotLaurence BielenGauthier Masco, and to UNCITRAL WGIII’s driving forces Shane SpelliscyNatalie Y. Morris-SharmaAnna Joubin-BretJae Sung Lee, Judith Knieper, Corentin BasléHana Doumal, and so many other delegates and experts.



Nicolas Angelet joins Ghent University’s Law Faculty and GRILI

By News

I’m thrilled to announce that I am joining Ghent University’s Law Faculty and the Rolin-Jaequemyns International Law Institute (GRILI) to replace my brilliant colleague Tom Ruys during his service at NATO HQ.

I am in charge of the courses of public international law and peaceful settlement of international disputes and join the GRILI’s research activities on a part-time basis.




ITLOS advisory proceedings on the oceans and climate change

By Select Case

I had the privilege to appear on behalf of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the advisory proceedings on climate change and the oceans, brought before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law (COSIS).

The Tribunal is requested to provide much-needed guidance on the obligations of State Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea with respect to greenhouse gas emissions causing ocean warming, sea level rise, and ocean acidification.

I presented the DRC’s oral submissions alongside my colleagues Ivon Mingashang, Jean Paul Segihobe and Sylvain Lumu MBAYA, Ph.D, with the invaluable support of Ézéchiel Amani Cirimwami, PhD, François Habiyaremye Muhashy, and Marta Duch G